Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students

Policy: SC-04 | Updated on June 13, 2024


The Saint Community College Ltd. is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes respectful and fair treatment of all students. While on Saint Community College Ltd. premises or an online environment, or during activities or events hosted by Saint Community College Ltd. the following activities are prohibited:


Discrimination occurs when a person, or group of people, is treated less favorably than another person or group, based on a person’s race, color, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other protected classification in accordance with applicable legislation.


Harassment and bullying are repeated, and unreasonable behaviors directed toward a person or group of people that creates a risk to health and safety, and/or creates a toxic environment. Repeated behavior refers to the persistent nature of the behavior and can involve a range of behaviors over time. Unreasonable behavior will be considered to have taken place if a reasonable person, having considered the circumstances, ought to have known that such behavior was unwelcome. A toxic environment refers to behavior that intimidates, humiliates, isolates, victimizes, threatens, and/or discriminates against a student or an employee.


Violence is any threatened, attempted, or actual conduct that causes or could cause physical injury. It includes any threatening statement or behavior that gives an individual reasonable cause to believe that s/he may be at risk of injury.


The college recognizes and adheres to the provisions of British Columbia’s Human Rights Code and is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment free from harassment and discrimination. The College is committed to a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment or discrimination in any of the administrative, academic, or work experience environments. For purposes of this policy, members of the College community include students, staff, faculty, visiting faculty, clients, contractors, work experience host site supervisors and employees, and volunteers.


To protect the integrity, fairness, and effectiveness of complaint mechanisms and to ensure compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), all participants in an investigation or procedure under this policy must act in accordance with the requirements set out below.

Individuals, including the Complainant and the Respondent, who has obtained information about an identifiable individual through their participation in an informal or formal process must not disclose this information to anybody except their advisors or representatives, or as required by law.


The College will ensure that this policy is disseminated to all members of the College community. All new employees will be given an orientation that includes becoming familiar with the content of this policy. Contractors will be required to adhere to this policy as a condition of their contractual arrangement with the College.



The Dispute Resolution Process:

  • A disclosure without a complaint will not initiate a process to investigate the incident or engage in any resolution process.
  • Students and Employees who make a disclosure will be provided support and accommodated where appropriate.
Formal Complaint
  1. The student is responsible for informing the college, but if a resolution is not found then the student will file a complaint in writing with the campus director.
  2. A meeting will be scheduled within 2 days
  3. The campus director conducts an investigation within 14 days
  4. Discusses results with the student
  5. A second meeting is scheduled within 5 days if the student is not satisfied.
  6. If the student is still not satisfied with the results, then the student has the right to file a complaint with PTIB within 7 days.

Saint Community College Ltd may put interim measures in place to address a report of discrimination, harassment, bullying or violence while matters are under investigation or review by police or RCMP.


These measures are specific to this policy. Any College community member who has been found to have committed acts of discrimination, harassment, bullying or violence is subject to one or more of the following sanctions:

  • A verbal or written warning
  • An adverse performance evaluation
  • If an employee: a demotion, suspension, or dismissal
  • If a student or other member of the College community: be subject to a temporary or permanent suspension from participation in any or all of the College’s academic programs
  • Other such disciplines, as appropriate in the circumstances, include the gravity and seriousness of the found behaviour and its impact on the Complainant and/or on the environment of the College’s academic programs up to and including expulsion from the program or the College or dismissal from employment.


The decision of the Campus Director or designate is final. If an individual wishes to appeal the decision then the Dispute Resolution Policy may be initiated by the individual with the timelines given.